Saturday, August 31, 2013

Phoenix West Valley Home Selling Tips

If you are considering selling your home in the Phoenix West Valley these helpful tips will help make the Sale of your home a success.

1.  Make The decision to sell your home:  If you think you might possibly, maybe, wanna potentially sell your home than you are not ready to sell.  Once you have made the decision to sell and to do what it will take than move on to step # 2

2.  Make necessary repairs:  I am not talking about putting in granite counter-tops in where you have Formica.  What I am talking about is painting, replacing badly worn carpet, fixing drywall damage, replacing missing ceiling fans & missing blinds etc.  You may not have the money, but if you do fix what you can and don’t worry about the rest.

3.  Pack 1/2 of your stuff and put it in the garage or in storage: You have to do this anyway and since you passed step 1 this should not be an issue and will go along with my next step.  Basically you are removing clutter in  your home so potential buyers can in-vision their stuff in your home.

4.  Remove personal items (pictures etc) from your walls and remove all of those lovely knickknacks that you have:  Your children might be the cutest this side of the 101 but a buyer really wants to be able to plan where their pictures are going to hang.  This is much harder for them to do with your pictures in the way.  (Remember #1 & 3…you decided you were moving)

5.  Call me to list your home- 623-853-6644:  In the past nine years I have listed and sold hundreds of homes in the Phoenix West Valley.  I have the experience, expertise and a proven track record.

6.  Price your home according to market value:  This may be the single most important part of all of this.  I will do market research for your home and show you exactly where we should price your home.  Be careful here, what you want your home to be worth and what places like Zillow are saying may not be what the market is saying that your home is worth.  Let the market dictate your price not your emotions or the Internet.

7.  Consider Home Staging:  Depending on the market, your finances and the location of your home you may want to consider having your home staged.  I will let you know my opinion when we meet.

8.  Continue packing and relax:  This is why you hired me, well not for packing.  I have the experience and the expertise.  Let me do the worrying, my plan of action will work.  It has worked before and it will work for you.

9.  Finding another home:  I can help you here but this is for another post.  We will discuss it when we meet but for now focus on #1-8 icon smile


Shayne has listed and sold hundreds of homes in the Phoenix west Valley and in 2009, 2010 and 2011 was recognized by WEMAR as one of the top agents in the area.

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